Plan Your Visit

What to expect

At Mechanicsville Baptist Church you can expect to find a casual, loving congregation where Jesus Christ is honored and worshiped. Mechanicsville Baptist Church is a safe and fun place to check out Christianity, worship God, and grow in your faith. The timeless truths of the Bible and a message of hope are clearly communicated through relevant teaching and contemporary and traditional worship services.

Who is welcome at Mechanicsville Baptist Church?

Everyone! We understand that churches are made up of people and no one among us is perfect. We also understand the Biblical principle that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. However, Mechanicsville Baptist Church is open to any person who comes truly seeking God. Though we hold to the principles set forth in the Bible, we realize that everyone needs a relationship with Jesus Christ. We make no distinction based on race, creed, denominational affiliation, or background. Therefore, come and you just may find what you’re looking for!


Mechanicsville Baptist Church has plenty of paved parking. Spaces are available in front of and on the west side of the church, which are readily accessible to the front door. Handicapped parking is available in front of and behind the new building. If you need assistance, ask inside the church and someone will be glad to assist you. Please drive slowly when entering the parking lot as children may be present.

Upon entering the front door

A representative will be available to direct you either to a Sunday School class or a seat in the worship center depending on your arrival time. If you’re a little late for worship don’t worry – an usher will be available to help you find a seat.

Sunday School

Classes are available for ages 3 through adult. Babies and toddlers (birth through age 2) are welcome in the nursery. Just ask the greeter for directions or an escort to your class. Coffee is available in several locations; just ask and you shall receive!

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is available for children through the 1st grade. Children’s Church will be dismissed from the main service just before the sermon begins. Look for Children’s Church leaders following the announcement to dismiss.


Nursery is available for children birth through age 2. Our nursery workers love babies and little children. Our nursery is in a safe location and the safety and comfort of our children is of utmost importance to us as it is with you. All of our workers have had background checks. Please inform us if your child has special needs.

After the service

Pastor Ted and Charlene are always available after the service to greet you and answer any questions you may have. We also have counselors available to answer questions you may have.